My understanding is all Substack accounts are shadow-banned on Twitter. I share all of my Substack post on Twitter because of the ease to do so. Just click and it’s on Twitter. It’s only today I have a had any traction since September. And just one guy commented and subscribed to my Substack.

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I think it's such a gross thing to do to people. I don't find it alright at all. Especially when they don't tell people that is what they do.

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in my view it is absolutely despicable after all we have been through with Covid. And he is just marketing himself as some kind of free speech guy. But we are so far behind getting anywhere near free speech, because of this vendetta he has against Substack. It's like, hey Elon, do you really care about free speech? Because you would think it wouldn't be a competition thing, it would be more of a celebration of free speech. He should be all for Substack. But on Twitter they all pat him on the back all the time. "Thanks Elon, for bringing free speech back" WHAT!!?!??!

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I think it's disgusting how most people on Twitter idolize the man. He's nothing but a globalist with a different suit.

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