This is better coverage than I've found on any MSM.

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Thank you sir. I appreciate the support.

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"From 2019 to March of 2020, Federal campaign finance records revealed that he had donated 19 times, adding up to $140, to the Democrat Party through their ActBlue campaign funding institution."

Another 'ActBlue' donating, libtarded DemocRAT- what a surprise. MAGA ❤️🤍💙

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Remember when Trump was president? ANY shooting was blamed on Trump. There have been multiple mass shootings, and two attempts on Trump's life, and not a peep from democrats, or even republicans, blaming Biden's hate speech.

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They want to spin the narrative because this is exactly what they wanted the whole time

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Sep 17Liked by Samara

Clowns don’t need makeup. They can be seen clearly for what they are 🤡🐷

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How about poll options “He’s an obvious IC asset or patsy?”

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Oh he's clearly not a long actor

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Sell him to Iran.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoAuthor

They would probably love to have him.

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At least he’s fighting on the side of niceness

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