Excellent work on an abhorrent subject.

Until people understand the roots of this movement, that has intentionally and diabolically inserted itself in all facets of society, this will never stop. For the people who wonder "why didn't they release the epstien tapes or lists" here is your answer. This cancer goes deep and wide. Those hollyweird heroes, politicians and fawned over elites are no different than the perverted city council men and women in your town or the insurgent groomer reading books to children in the libraries across this country. They are one in the same and will protect one another, in the form of protecting the entirety of the operation - and it is that, a grooming and molesting operation.

You've done a great job explaining and showing that this grooming and targeting of children didn't just appear in a puff of smoke. It was intentional, planned, and skillfully implemented.

I hope you have a huge turnout and success in shaming your local government into shutting this down for good. Here's a question to consider though. Are any of those government officials supporting this - members of the Faeries? It would kind of make sense.

Best of luck and prayers for safety and success.


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I appreciate the support. Local representatives are starting to see my work so hopefully something is actually done about it.

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preacher in an interfaith gender queer church - No such damned thing. Churches steeped in the doctrine of Christ can't be gender queer. He's a pedophile who preys on children. He needs to be drawn and quartered and fed to the woodchipper.

From this experience and from his Marxist ideology, Hay began a life-long mission to pervert the youth.

This is why Marxism needs to be outlawed in the US and worldwide. It's leads to disruption of society and destruction of families.

We need to round the whole bunch up and drop them on a deserted island far away from the traffic lanes.

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Honestly it was horrifying what I found. Harry Hay was a monster.

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I couldn't finish the post and am used to strong, violent and disgusting situations unfortunately. But that's stomach churning. Anyone who perpettates , condones and exposed children to it belongs in the wood chipper

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Couldn't agree more with you

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Jun 13Liked by Samara

Me too! People are insane from the propaganda! There is something really wrong with America

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Jun 18Liked by Samara

I would like to say I’m confused at this blatant & sickening attack on our children & morality in general. A judicial system that has stringent rules on sexual predators being allowed anywhere near children & are required to be identified as such in public listings & should be, yet they will allow these sexual predators & abusers of children to run free as a bird in public places containing many children, being nothing better than monsters, with no consequences or repercussions! They may ply their depraved trade & laugh at the stupidity of a society unaware of what they are really doing. They certainly don’t sit in a public library with children present just because they love children or their stories!! Wake up people—your children are at severe risk of every kind of a us I’ve damage, right under your noses!

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100 % I cannot believe that most people don’t understand how horrifying it is!! The children in Massachusetts were using colored dildos in a game as the youngest five years old, they had to throw the colored dildo. I’m not joking. You could see online about this. 10 years ago people would never have this. What is wrong with these people they watch too many TV commercials and movies instead of all filled with propaganda they don’t even hide it either because I was watching a old Colombo and there was one about subliminal messages. They tell you to your damn face and the people don’t believe their eyes.

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The USA is very committed to keeping young girls from being sex trafficked by straight men. In the meantime, young boys are being groomed in school libraries, and progressives think it's great. You don't have to be an ignorant moron to be a progressive, but it helps.

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Honestly it's so messed up how we all this to continue

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Jun 13Liked by Samara

Even “good” people are feeding into this and it’s sickening

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Hi mate, I have only read a bit of this as its 4am. I feel sick. I voiced my concerns on the YouTube channel ( I didn't hold back ) and WhatsApp asked me to put in a new password! I didn't continue. I will read the rest of this tomorrow. I have been trying to find out about my local schools. I know many of the teachers in the primary schools where my two young boys attend. Hopefully, soon I will get an answer. If it is happening and my boys have been frightened not to tell their parents, I will rain down fire and brimstone.

Looking forward to reading the rest tomorrow

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Thank you for in reading my work. I have reached out to NH Speaker Sherman Packard and other local politicians to sound the alarm and now I'm waiting for their response. Only one news publication has decided to republish my story. Hopefully more see the light.

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Let's hope more accept. This Lunacy must be stopped

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God willing

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Jun 16Liked by Samara

I don't know whether you'll be able to read the rest. I had to stop. What the article is describing made me nauseated and furious.

And in New Hampshire no less. And not even southern New Hampshire, close cousin to Massachusetts.

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We are organizing a protest on the 28th at the Conway Public Library, would you be interested in attending?

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Would love to, and love the White Mountains, but we are stuck in Brooklyn with our dear elderly cat who has lymphoma. No two- or three-day jaunts for us in the near future. Alas, we will resume our travels soon enough.

I wish you very good luck. A supporter of marriage equality, I nevertheless believe the gay rights movement has been hijacked by malignant players. It's very too bad.

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I lived in Massachusetts, but had to come south I love New Hampshire. If I was in mass, I would come so quickly, but I don’t even have things set up here yet.

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Jun 11Liked by Samara

How sad for the children that those parents care so little for them!

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I'll pray for those blessed innocents. Their parents are monsters.

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Always reading to kids and never to newly released felons. Wonder why that is?

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I wish their parents would ask that question

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I had a cousin who commented that right next to her were two gay guys in the FBI came and got them because they had childporn then she was programmed to say “not that there’s anything wrong with it” Israeli Seinfeld did a lot of damage. She had a son and I’m sure they were plotting terrible things for him, but she was programmed to say “not that there’s anything wrong with it.” Shocking appalling and the FBI doesn’t even go after them they go after “ white supremacist” that was 15 years ago so right now they are not even doing that

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Jun 10Liked by Samara

Wow. Thank you for posting this. I suffered through the video with the interviewer guy at the drag show with thr kid with green hair......the kids don't stand a chance. We are seeing nowadays where the parents are doing this right from the start. They don't stand a chance. I hate to say it but I only seeing the kids realizing somethings wrong if they get assaulted. Even then, with them being programmed so young nowadays, I don't think they are going to be able to tell the difference. I hate typing any of this. The only thing we can hope for is the fact that a lifestyle of depravity cannot last. This is really bad. This must stop. Pure evil has bleed into everything. How can you do this to kids? Ugh....I'm at a loss for words but thank you for opening my eyes to the history of where this came from.

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Thank you for reading my article. It's a bit of a black pill when you learn how pervasive this ideology is and how entrenched it is in modernity. However, we know that Christ wins in the end.

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These are lost souls that you are writing about. And that includes the parents. If they are stupid enough to expose their children to perversion like this, the children will either rebel or become more worthless dregs that China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran will exterminate.

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This is unreal. Those who mistake good for evil and evil for good is pretty blunt, how are people condoning this kind of darkness? Never mind I know how!

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Demons are real

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Very very real, and working inside of people like the Rothchilds, I read something that said the that certain elites allow themselves to be possed, they are host families, and they take orders directly from the filth himself. It makes perfect sense to me, I’m pretty convinced it’s they things work.

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Yes, and I’m sorry instead of presents. It should be prisons. He went into prison all over the United States, and the djinn said the same thing all they tried to do was get them to hurt someone or kill themselves. One of them had a sex one that bothered him all day. He got really sick. It was really disturbing to him. He did not think it was good. It was on him all day and was a great distraction in anything he did.

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Jun 13Liked by Samara

Yes, they are. My ex-husband called them, djinn. I have seen the evidence myself. If you read a book by Jerry Marzinski, he tells you how he found out that by going out around all the presents. The people who hear voices always hear the very exact same things. He had a confrontation with one of the.Djinn

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Jun 15Liked by Samara

I only ask one question - what the hell is wrong with these parents? The children need to be removed for their own safety. This is abuse on all levels.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

The parents are complicit after being indoctrinated when they too were children. Unfortunately when I reached out to the Conway Daily Sun, which is the local paper, they told me they wouldn't report on this because I was transphobic and a fake journalist. Conway PD has been alerted but I am not hopeful they will do anything.

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New Hampshire all places!!! it used to be idyllic there!🤮

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Jun 14Liked by Samara

When these people tell you they're coming after your children, 'Believe Them!' Thank you so much for this dot connecting article. For me, context is helpful.

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Thank you for reading my article

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You need to find out who in the ‘local government’ is a pedophile.

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Jun 12Liked by Samara

Your writing is overwhelming. Very thorough and even though this material is disturbing and deviant, putting light on it is critical. We must know the dark forces at work that are stalking and trying to destroy children. I struggle with the notion if anything is redeemable in many involved in this sickness.

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Thank you Eric, I appreciate your kind words. My life's mission has been to speak the truth and defend Christ's innocents from this perversion.

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Jun 11Liked by Samara

Sick minds

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Remind me why David French thinks this is the greatest thing ever?

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He likes little boys probably.

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Child sacrifice is cool again.

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We're living in the modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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