I've been out of the freaking loop here building up my platform, and trying to help a friend (she's one of my editors & book proofreader for several of my novels) keep her son out of pedophile hands (she's over in Africa though), and she's struggling also keep her son safe so that I hadn't thought to mention it or speak to anyone about it. Honestly it's been a draining, horrifying process and the depths of corruption over there and in our own immigration has left me numb and fairly heartbroken for the past 2 months. Children are precious and must be kept out of murderous, out of predatory and out of all other violent hands and with their parents (if they're parents love them only mention this one as a necessary addendum as some parents are vile).

But gosh to realize you've been dealing with something much bigger shows not only your bigger heart but also how similar our journeys' are here (hope you don't mind my saying). Samara, you gotta do this. God's children are not for sale. I can't help financially (am broke) but what other assistance will you need? I also lack a lot of knowledge about legal stuff and what not.

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It has become an epidemic of proportions I never thought possible. I'm not surprised that this is happening, however, I am realizing that no one else is going to attempt to make a change so I am going to do it myself. Thank you for your kind words and continued support. God Bless you and your friend and her precious child are in my prayers.

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Thanks, it’s been hard-fought with regards to that friend, I must admit that the worst part is the battle she is facing against her ex who has money and wishes to ill-use his own child. It is honestly horrifying.

But yeah, this is a massive problem the world over, and I hope that these alphabet organizations and groups so kudos to you, I’ll try to make more of an effort to participate in the discord. I’m working on getting set up in Quebec, and then will work towards setting up a bookstore/ice-cream parlour and if there’s need of such a place or connection let me know.

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That sounds amazing! Let me know how everything goes in the future.

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I will, still waiting for her to respond, with any luck she’ll be getting her visa soon.

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Jun 29Liked by Samara

Sensitive content, but worthy for your effort, the story of one pedo sting by the FBI:

True Spies: Inside NAMBLA


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One request: please use the term “molester” instead of “pedophile.” The same way that homosexuals changed the terminology to refer to a mindset instead of an action, there is a push to refer to pedophilia as an attraction. Focus on the actions that are forbidden, to keep control of the narrative.

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I'm not doing this semantic bullshit. They are pedophiles. I don't care what they are pushing. Don't fucking tone police me when I am the one putting in the work. Matthew 18:6.

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You’re completely misunderstanding me. I support what you’re trying to do. I can see how they will try to twist perception, and I wanted to make a suggestion to keep it from being too acceptable. But you’re right, it’s your group and you can do whatever you want. Just don’t be surprised when they control the language to fight to be accepted.

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Buddy you're making a Denis Prager argument and I'm not having it. If they have thoughts about molesting a child and admit that without having acted it out, idc I want them killed. Pedophiles don't stop lusting after children and they don't have self contro to prevent themselves from lusting after a child l. You don't know enough about this subject to lecture me, especially because you haven't been investigating these guys and documented their cases. If you're so damn sure of yourself, why don't you make your own organization?

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You’re going to be a big success reacting this way to people trying to help.

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You're not trying to help, you're trying to "request" something from me as if I owe you something. I rebuked you last time and another commenter did the same thing. Mate, you're out of depth.

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