Do it. Shut down the USDA. While you are at it, Kennedy, shut down all the three letter agencies. They aren't needed anymore.

By the way, Kennedy, stop being such a communist. It doesn't look on you.

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It’s not gonna happen. Once a commie, always a commie. And it’s getting worse not better

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I think we should cut the USDA but I don't want to pay reparations to people I have never even interacted with.

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I'm fine with that five billion. And have the democratic party pay it. Republicans, under the first Republican president, Abe Lincoln, fought to FREE the slaves. It was democrats who fought to KEEP the slaves. So, send the bill to the democratic party.

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And like everything else, they don’t pay

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They never do.

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Smart political move. He’s now wrapped up those 12 votes totally. Mind you it has probably hurt him with the 100,000 white farmers.

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