“Ultimately, we don’t spend very much of our lives concerning ourselves with heated political battles”

One problem is that while this is true for Christians with a Biblically based worldview, it’s not at all true for the progressive Christians who spend tremendous amounts of time on political battles which might be why they are winning. I think Christians and the church ignoring the political is one reason we are in the situation we are in as a nation. For example if the American church had dedicated ourselves to the abolition of abortion would the practice have continued for as long as it has? I live in a very conservative state where 65% of people claim to be Christian but I can almost guarantee we are going to pass a law enshrining abortion in our state constitution because the camp for the amendment is campaigning hard and the church has been more or less silent on the issue. There has been no real campaign against the amendment by the abolition or pro life crowd. If Christian parents had fought to keep God’s influence in our schools what would public schools look like? Why did so many accept or even embrace government control of churches during Covid? How many Christians died or were maimed because their employer forced the jab upon them because of government mandates or worse they took the jab because some religious leader told them that was their “Christian duty” as it was the only way to “love thy neighbor”?

We do not concern ourselves too much with fighting political battles but because of the tremendous overreach of our government our lives are controlled by the outcome of those battles. Praying outside an abortion clinic can now result in getting thrown in jail for years. Teaching your kid that boys and girls are different and one can’t become the other means the state can take your kids. Refusing to call some dude in a dress she or ma’am can get you fired or sued. Our hard earned money that could be used to support our families or our churches and God’s kingdom is stolen through taxation and then spent on abomination after abomination many of which then go on to require more funding throughout the years. I mean your tax dollars are going to help Ukraine who is actively persecuting the Ukrainian Russian Orthodox believers as we speak. Your tax dollars are being spent to buy bullets and bombs to be used against your Orthodox brothers. There’s every reason to believe that it’s just a matter of time before they conscript you to kill your Russian Orthodox brothers in the name of “freedom” and “democracy”. We can step back from political battles but we cannot escape the consequences of their outcomes.

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I agree that Christians certainly can be involved in politics and I think you can even make a strong argument that, in today's environment, Christians have a moral duty to be involved. My point is that Christianity can guide you through all of that *and all the rest of life's issues on top.* No matter how much I might care about politics, when I go to interact with my small child, I'm not going to be thinking about Ukraine or Donald Trump.

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Christ did not step back from the breech, and was killed for it…sadly not much has changed 🥲

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