HollyMathNerd has shown on her Notes that they’d already talked about censoring “transphobe” and “bigots” and someone attacked me for being team TERF sooooooo here’s hoping free speech continues on SubStack.

We know a second attack will come. Let’s hope that it happens after Christmas so we can have a break from all this, enjoy the festivities and read who we enjoy.

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Hopefully it comes after New Years. It would be a real shame to start off the New Year with nothing but attacks on our God given rights. There will be another attack though. It is what the left does.

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Exactly. It won’t be just the Atlantic that has a piece in it next time. It’ll be more MSN sites. You just know that Katz knows more “journalists” and will get them to write more hit pieces.

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Well Forbes had picked up the story and ran with it apparently but I wouldn't be surprised if the Young Turks and Majority Report pick it up next time.

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Oh you know Cenk will do.

Hopefully Chris and the Substack team get to go on some podcasts to get this all out. I know Hamish has been on Tim Pools show before.

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They're not going to stop; their kind never stops. They will keep trying to conquer or destroy Substack, and anywhere else dissent from their Narrative happens. They are totalitarian: they must have total dominance.

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They want us living with a government like 1984, in a world where they burn books like Fahrenheit 451, with a medicated populace like in We Happy Few, who don't realize the world is like Brave New World.

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Yes .. they will be coming for us TERFS next ..

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Their definition will continue to expand until it encompasses everyone but the select few that will be our overlords.

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I love being team TERF

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Thank you all ! J. Katz and his fellow travelers are to be scorned.

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The Firemen will come back with the Ministry of Truth in full support. Next time they might just attack Substack's servers.

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Props! I expect that the Nazi thing is only the tip of the spear and that the censorship push will take on many more forms as the election approaches. They are probably getting ready to fight dirty. I respect you and the many other fine writers who constantly defend Substack with your eloquence.

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Thank you for reading. I appreciate the response as well. You're right, they won't let this platform survive while providing the content it allows.

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I normally only practice creative misogyny, but always open to other avenues of savaging PC gone berserk.

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Yes .. They would label me as a self - hating Jewish Nazi now

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Their ideology is so unintelligent and dishonest.

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They want memes & speech criminalized like in Europe. I can’t believe what’s happening in Ireland .. you can’t even say what a woman is 🤯🤯

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The Great Replacement Theory is real and what is happening in Ireland proves it.

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The wokenazi brigade didn’t quite have the chops to pull of their substack coup.

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They have done it too many times before and they didn't gather enough strength before doing it again. Sharon Hurley Hall from Sharon's Anti-Racism Newsletter tried doing this around April but it floundered. Since they didn't muster enough support before attempting their coup d'état and issued their ultimatum without any leverage, there was no way that the founders of Substack would feel any pressure.

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Great read brother I throughly enjoyed that one. I genuinely think that we can keep Substack free, So long as we do not become complacent and treat these attacks as a mere triviality. We must remain ever vigilant and make our voices heard as writers and free speech absolutists.

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Thank you for reading and commenting. And you're absolutely correct. We have to push back harder with every shove they give us. With people like us fighting for liberty, there is no way we can lose.

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I had a run-in with Kats on Notes. I had to block him.

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Yeah I get it. He's so condescending and Liberal. It's quite annoying.

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As we knew back in 2020 and likely long before that these totalitarians won’t give up easy. They can’t help themselves with those big sucking - impossible to fill - black holes inside. They are on constant negative doom scrolling replay loops.

And lost to the blindness of denial they cannot respond logically to an argument.

So sad.

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Thanks for commenting and I couldn't agree more. It seems as if their is no hope for these people.

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Isn’t it funny how denial locks people inside the bad atmosphere of their own skulls?

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It's like adding paint layers to a wall over decades until the paint starts to crack and flake. Instead of just striping the paint and redoing it, they just keep painting over the old paint until it finally shatters.

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Isn’t that the truth?

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The Communists controlled the MSM and loved their monopoly on opinion. Then social media arose which they absolutely needed to control ,which they did on both Facebook and Twitter. Then Elon bought Twitter and Substack, appeared triggering Communist heart-attacks and scheming to destroy Twitter and Substack which has so far failed. To succeed Communism must control the media so they can propagate their lies such as Russia Collusion and the Insurrection. Media such as Substack are crucial weapons in the war for freedom of thought and against the Ministry of truth. I now quote Matt Taibbii:

“The idea behind the sweeping system of digital surveillance combined with thousands or even millions of subtle rewards and punishments built into the online experience, is to condition people to censor themselves. In fact, after enough time online, users will lose both the knowledge and the vocabulary they would need to even have politically dangerous thoughts. The Censorship-Industrial Complex is the institutionalization of orthodoxy, a vast, organized effort to narrow our intellectual horizons.”

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I read that Katz is a Hamas apologist so I can’t even figure this out.

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He plays either side. He has kind of flipped back and forth on the Israel-Palestine issue to placate his audience as well as keep his overlords happy.

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Substack needs to defend itself. One of the few cancelable offenses on Substack should be participating in an attack on Substack. Ban them all, from Katz on down to the no-pic no-posts no-notes IDF hasbara sock-puppet accounts. Because they'll never stop until they succeed.

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I would actually support that. S.A.N. tried to force the company to strip the rights of its other publishers so that they could participate in the moderation process, which should have concluded with a nuke button.

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If Israel has a 'Right to Defend Itself', why not Substack?

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Exactly haha

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I could be wrong, and committing a post hoc propter hoc error, but I continue to think the 'Substack Nazis!!!!' thing is part of a broader desperate struggle to control the optics of Israel's splendid little genocide, to keep criticism of Satan's sayanim limited to whining about them cold-bloodedly sniping Catholic women in a Gaza nunnery¹ because it looks bad, while never ever questioning Israel's purported 'right to exist' (what other country has a 'right to exisr?) and do whatever they want, human righrs be damned.

If I'm right, their real target, to be revealed once they have control, would by Caitlin Johnstone and Norm Finkelstein and the like, not actual Nazis², who take themselves very seriously but no one else does.

1: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2023-12/israel-palestine-gaza-parish-romanelli-attack.html

²: Actual Internet #LiterallyHitler Nazis (or clever Feds) do exist on the Fedi; I've yet to see one on Substack.

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It's funny how no one ever mentions how Christians are persecuted by Hamas and by the Israelis. When that Orthodox temple was bombed, there was a moment that I thought Russia would get involved with proxies.

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The US of Israel's slavish support of Israel's gleeful genocide is manna from heaven for Russia and China. They've done nothing effective, but are winning just by not losing, and quietly supporting Iran, who is fighting Israel by proxies. The USA is exposed as utterly morally bankrupt, liked less than ever by the sane world.

In business, there is a form of value called 'goodwill'. In diplomacy, also.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023Liked by Samara

They did know about the Like. I ran across threads about it, which caused them all to boil over. The authoritarian lefties do a lot of their internal conversation in DMs and email. That’s why losing Twitter was so devastating to them.

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They were crying during that whole transition. It was glorious.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023Liked by Samara

They shouldn't even have given them the response imo. They think they got an inch and are declaring victory. These people are shallow, let them wallow in the corner without interaction.

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That might have slowed the clock on their end goal of burning Substack to the ground.

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