Jun 18Liked by Samara

I too had sexual experiences with older people as a 14 year old but now,at 44 with 2 near grown kids of my own I know these men were fkn paedos and deserve to rot in hell. Yes I thought I knew what I was doing but did I fuck know anything ...I should never have been near these cxxts and hope that now they are having a bloody awful life and karma has kicked their lives into the bin

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The sad thing is there are too many parents that don't share your sentiment.

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Jun 19Liked by Samara

We need to go back to stringing them up by their balls

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Matthew 18:6

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Jun 19Liked by Samara

I LOVE this comment!!I was talking to my hubby about millstones round necks yesterday! Synchronicity 🥰

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All trans people are ultimately is just liars, the deserve absolutely no acceptance and no mercy. What they do deserve is accountability for being pieces of shit.

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What we need is our biker brothers to go and park outside the library and make wild gestures involving anti-pedo rhetoric..

Better yet, let them just pat the fairie on the back, real hard, with Lucille.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Lucille would love the opportunity to crack its neck

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Jun 18Liked by Samara

This episode of True Spies, about an FBI investigation of NAMBLA will give more background, context into that organization:

True Spies: Inside NAMBLA


(about 60 minutes)

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Bill Hammer did a good job going undercover to expose a lot of them.

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Jun 19Liked by Samara

I didn’t mean to post my comment three times, it wasn’t going through so I started over with a better connection, but the fails clocked in too

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It's all good. I figured Substack just glitched again.

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How did we ever get this far?

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We allowed the state to come before God

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This is infuriating, and the video clearly illustrates the hyper-hypocrisy of the sorry soiled picked brain of the lousy leftists.

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I like what you’re doing, getting people together in person to address the issues that need to be changed is the only way change will be made. If a person is born with male parts they are a male, if there born with female parts their a female. If a man says he’s really a woman the bottom line truth is that he is not, so what he is, is a liar. For someone to accept that kind of behavior in others means they are lying to themselves bottom line. It takes no less then being the scum of the earth to lie to children. That is a child rapping faggot in a costume, bottom line.

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The only way to combat this is to show up and use their tactics against them.

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This is sickening

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Fuck the police if they want to protect the perverts then they should be considered enemies of the people Which they are for the most part..They protect the rich and serve themselves.. And the rich worship bapomet the transgendered satanic entity..So by association the cops are guilty of the crimes of the rich..Ponder that for a while

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This episode of True Spies, about an FBI investigation of NAMBLA will give more background, context into that organization:

True Spies: Inside NAMBLA


(about 60 minutes)

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This episode of True Spies, about an FBI investigation of NAMBLA will give more background, context into that organization:

True Spies: Inside NAMBLA


(about 60 minutes)

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