Ike did it

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He deported roughly 1.3 million or so. I'm hoping Trump can scale this up to at least 20 million.

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20 million people could build very quickly a massive wall along both the mexican and canadian borders. They could also upgrade and build roads, bridges, and the like.

But deporting 20 million illegals is a half measure. We should also be thinking about deporting two million government workers. Deporting a million lawyers and 2 million left-wing media people would be addition by subtraction for the US.

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I like the way you think. If I ever run for governor of NH, I am going to tap you to be my second in command.

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Build the wall, man the wall, fire DHS Mayourkas and start integrating and assimilating those already here into being citizens. It may take 20 years to do, but that's how you make new citizens.

Once we decide to reopen to the world, we take on merit, on what they can bring to the country, and not just who they'd vote for.

We are a country of immigrants, but they must be legal immigrants and not just people who don't want to be Americans.

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Exactly, this won't be an overnight fix. We need to be able to heal and fix our economy and culture. With all of these illegal aliens flooding our borders, we are now looking at further the corruption in our society and the inevitable collapse of the American dollar through inflation. There would need to be a succession of presidents that would need to take on the task of ensuring that our homeland actually heals from the horrible decisions of the uniparty. Only then can we begin to allow legal immigrants (with strict conditions) to immigrate to our homeland to join us in being America. This could take a century but it is important to make sure it is done properly.

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